
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12


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Monday, November 3, 2008

The Dream is Realized and in View!

Greetings from Sunny Florida!
The Dream is realized and finally in view! I'm still in shock and awe to think that we have actually made it here to Florida after many years of patiently waiting on God's timing, yet here I stand...happy and content. I love the weather right now with the cool breeze and temperatures in the upper 70s to mid 80s. Its still warm enough to wear shorts and go swimming if you wish, but not so hot that I need the air conditioner in the car (since our air compressor died).
My hopes to get outside and enjoy the fresh air with the kids is completely fulfilled as we get outside daily for hours at a time. There are so many wonderful local parks and free or inexpensive activities ...we just love it! As a homeschool mom, almost all of my time is spent searching for ideas to help educate my children in fun and creative ways. We take field trips, frequent the library, attend festivals and arts and crafts shows, surf the web and just explore the outdoors. Our bookwork is still required and lesson time usually takes place during lunch or in the evenings after my toddler is in bed. We haven't had too much trouble keeping our son ahead of pace as his personal desire to learn is so great and motivates him to enjoy his own research projects and discoveries. Educational dvds from the library system have been invaluable as there are so many to choose from and we have found them to be most helpful with our studies on the inventors and scientists. My son is going to begin a column in our blog about all his educational viewings of dvds and vhs or tv shows and give them a brief review and rating from his personal viewpoint. Hope you enjoy them!
Life in the deep south is very different yet very rewarding at the same time. We are thankful for so many things God has provided for us and continues to lead us towards the ultimate plan for our lives in His service. Right now we are pleasantly acquainted with many members of our new church family and have started to really get involved with teaching in Awanas and helping out with other forms of ministry. My husband enjoyed recently doing some drama/service by playing the part of Joseph, 2nd in command of all of Egypt from the Bible times as the Awana program celebrated a special event for the kids called Joseph's Egyptian Storehouse. It was a fun event and all the clubbers seemed to get a kick out of seeing him in costume and handing out baked goodies to all the students. Our son had fun seeing Dad in costume and I'm sure it was good for him to see the example of a father serving in ministry with a happy heart. Lead by example is what my Dad used to tell me...be the Eagle not the duck...anyone can follow...it takes someone with heart and determination to be a leader...these great encouraging words of advice were a true blessing to a once shy, quiet, yet bright and optimistic young lady....if Dad could only see me and my family of dramatic outspoken leaders now! He would probably think we were silly, happy and a little bit nuts, but I think he would proudly share in our ministry opportunities if he could. He always liked seeing us helping out with ministry opportunities for kids and I think that both my parent's own example of serving in the church with a happy heart led me to a life of service for our King too. Thanks mom (and dad)...I love you both very much and I praise God for you!
Our dream to live a fuller life for Jesus with more family time with the kids, more exercise and healthy eating, more fresh air and sunshine, more emphasis on family devotions and family ministry or community service together, and less time worrying about tomorrow...knowing God promises tomorrow will take care of itself. This dream is coming true piece by piece and I'm so grateful to our Lord and King for all He has done for us. May your personal goals and dreams as a family be within view and ready for you to reach out and grab them with both hands as I believe God wants us to "live the dream" as long as it begins with HIM. :)

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KIDS CORNER - World Geography Game!