
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12


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Monday, November 3, 2008

The Dream is Realized and in View!

Greetings from Sunny Florida!
The Dream is realized and finally in view! I'm still in shock and awe to think that we have actually made it here to Florida after many years of patiently waiting on God's timing, yet here I stand...happy and content. I love the weather right now with the cool breeze and temperatures in the upper 70s to mid 80s. Its still warm enough to wear shorts and go swimming if you wish, but not so hot that I need the air conditioner in the car (since our air compressor died).
My hopes to get outside and enjoy the fresh air with the kids is completely fulfilled as we get outside daily for hours at a time. There are so many wonderful local parks and free or inexpensive activities ...we just love it! As a homeschool mom, almost all of my time is spent searching for ideas to help educate my children in fun and creative ways. We take field trips, frequent the library, attend festivals and arts and crafts shows, surf the web and just explore the outdoors. Our bookwork is still required and lesson time usually takes place during lunch or in the evenings after my toddler is in bed. We haven't had too much trouble keeping our son ahead of pace as his personal desire to learn is so great and motivates him to enjoy his own research projects and discoveries. Educational dvds from the library system have been invaluable as there are so many to choose from and we have found them to be most helpful with our studies on the inventors and scientists. My son is going to begin a column in our blog about all his educational viewings of dvds and vhs or tv shows and give them a brief review and rating from his personal viewpoint. Hope you enjoy them!
Life in the deep south is very different yet very rewarding at the same time. We are thankful for so many things God has provided for us and continues to lead us towards the ultimate plan for our lives in His service. Right now we are pleasantly acquainted with many members of our new church family and have started to really get involved with teaching in Awanas and helping out with other forms of ministry. My husband enjoyed recently doing some drama/service by playing the part of Joseph, 2nd in command of all of Egypt from the Bible times as the Awana program celebrated a special event for the kids called Joseph's Egyptian Storehouse. It was a fun event and all the clubbers seemed to get a kick out of seeing him in costume and handing out baked goodies to all the students. Our son had fun seeing Dad in costume and I'm sure it was good for him to see the example of a father serving in ministry with a happy heart. Lead by example is what my Dad used to tell me...be the Eagle not the duck...anyone can follow...it takes someone with heart and determination to be a leader...these great encouraging words of advice were a true blessing to a once shy, quiet, yet bright and optimistic young lady....if Dad could only see me and my family of dramatic outspoken leaders now! He would probably think we were silly, happy and a little bit nuts, but I think he would proudly share in our ministry opportunities if he could. He always liked seeing us helping out with ministry opportunities for kids and I think that both my parent's own example of serving in the church with a happy heart led me to a life of service for our King too. Thanks mom (and dad)...I love you both very much and I praise God for you!
Our dream to live a fuller life for Jesus with more family time with the kids, more exercise and healthy eating, more fresh air and sunshine, more emphasis on family devotions and family ministry or community service together, and less time worrying about tomorrow...knowing God promises tomorrow will take care of itself. This dream is coming true piece by piece and I'm so grateful to our Lord and King for all He has done for us. May your personal goals and dreams as a family be within view and ready for you to reach out and grab them with both hands as I believe God wants us to "live the dream" as long as it begins with HIM. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

KIDS CORNER: School Jokes

What did Noah study?
Answer: Ark-itecture

Why do electric eels go to college?
Answer: Because they're so bright

Why did the leopard wear a disguise to class?
Answer: He didn't want to be spotted.

Why did the crows join the school cleanup drive?
Answer: It was a good caws.

Why did the cow go to school?
Answer: To study moo-sic.

What is a wise bird's favorite subject?
Answer: Owl-gebra.

Why did the math teacher give his student a pair of glasses?
Answer: He heard she was having trouble with division.

Why do elves excel in arithmetic?
Answer: They like putting things in gnome-erical order.

What is the ocean's best subject?
Answer: Current events.

*If you enjoyed these funny jokes about school, try going to your local library and checking out the book: Too Cool Jokes for School by Victoria Hartman.

Monday, March 10, 2008

KIDS CORNER: Ancient Greek Civilizations by JH

Many years ago, the ancient Greeks made a columned, half-circle shaped structure which became the center of their source of entertainment. The ancient Greeks made a semi-circle theater built into the side of a mountain that was around 139 feet to 250 feet in length. The theater was in a pit, so the theater was also tall and seemed to have natural acoustics. The theater was constructed in a way that sound reached the bottom and the top at the same time. Back then the theater was the Greek's only source of entertainment and you would only hear singing, nothing else. I can't believe the theater was built so long a go and still used today!

Redemption Bible Card Game Tournament Champ!

Congratulations to JH for winning 1st place in one of the toughest categories at the Redemption tournament! Way to go! This is JH's first time winning at an adult level. Usually he plays in the kids level tournaments, but he tried the adult level and did great! Keep up the super job JH! We're very proud of you! JH received a special champion promo card and 4 booster packs as his prize. Wow! How cool!

For anyone interested in more info on the Redemption Bible Card Game, feel free to check out this website for info about Redemption and other unique Biblical, family friendly games available. www.cactusgamedesign.com

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Missionary Focus: Our Friends, The Nielsen Family - Serving God in Papua New Guinea

My dearest friends and family,
It is my great pleasure and honor to introduce to you, our friends, the Nielsen family. They have begun an amazing journey in their lives together this past year when they accepted the calling to serve the Lord as Missionaries through the organization New Tribes Mission (NTM.org) and were sent to serve God among the tribes of Papua New Guinea. Karl and Kristen are bright, talented, Godly individuals willing to serve the Lord in Papua New Guinea along with their two beautiful daughters who have surely been a delight to the people in that country. The Nielsen family members all work hard to quickly learn the new language there and to share the love of Jesus in many ways with the tribes in PNG. Karl and Kristen have the opportunity to do everything from present the Gospel to the people, give their personal testimony, teach Math and Bible at the Numonohi Christian Academy, assist with duties at the busy local missionary center where they reside, and all the while continue to try and represent God's hands and feet to these villagers as they help them with daily needs. I'd like to ask you to join with me in a wonderful opportunity to pray and support this kind and loving Missionary family in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as God begins to work miracles through them in the lives of many. Please take a moment to visit their website and view gorgeous photos of the color and life within these tribal villages and to learn more about our friends, the Nielsens, and their great desire to serve God and reach the unsaved peoples in Papua New Guinea. Thank you in advance for any prayers or financial support you can give to the Nielsens. Opportunity to learn more about the mission center they work with or to donate and support them in their missionary field is also located on their website. God will truly bless you for your kindness and generosity. It's not very often I get to actually know the missionaries I am praying for and trying to help support, but it is a rare gift to have our lives touched by such unselfish people before God calls them into the field. I feel very honored to know them and to be able to support them in prayer and through this website and other means. They are a super family. I will continue to update you on what God is doing in their ministry in PNG, so feel free to check back often or go directly to their website to see more details. Blessings to all of you! http://www.ntm.org/karl_nielsen

Previous KIDS CORNER Pages: Japanese homes, Webkinz recipes

In Ancient Japanese civilizations I learned they constructed some earthquake resistant buildings that were used as houses. Most of the houses were built the same way to help protect their families. They had constructed these buildings to have a pillar in the center and 5 or 6 floors connected by strong wires. If you pushed on the pillar the building would shake but not fall. An earthquake would only shake it too, but not knock it down. In modern day Japan, they still make these earthquake resistant houses. (by JH)

KIDS CORNER- Webkinz Secret Recipes!
Calling all Webkinz fans! We gathered a few wonderful recipes for you to use on your Webkinz stove or grill to make these delicious secret recipe foods! Your pet will love them. You can make them and send them through the Kinzpost to your friends. Enjoy! http://www.webkinz.com/
*Strawberry Kiwi Tart: strawberries, kiwi, animal crackers
*Shepherd's Pie: hamburger, baked potatoe, peas
*Mushmallow Frosty: marshmallows, ice cream, mushrooms
*Rollsrice Cream: rice ice cream, peppermint
*Smores: chocolate chip cookies, marshmallows, chocolate bar
*Blucocrunch Bread: potatoe chips, blueberry pie, chocolate bar

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


What type of baseball game is held in a planetarium?
Answer: An All-Star Game

Why did the astronomer hit himself on the head in the afternoon?
Answer: He wanted to see the stars during the day for a change?

What do you call a star with a tail? A comet?
Answer: No, Mickey Mouse!

Why couldn't the astronaut land on the moon?
Answer: Because it was full!

Who was the first settler in the west?
Answer: the sun!

What does an astronaut do when he gets dirty?
Answer: He takes a meteor shower!

*If you enjoyed these jokes & riddles, check out the book called: 101 Outer Space Jokes by Sonia Black and Devra Newberger

The Joys of Turning Double Digits!

What a delight to share with you today the incredible journey we experience as parents as we watch our children grow in so many ways. JH turned double digits this past year and I remember specifically how badly he wanted to be 10. (I love you, JH!) He thought every day counting down to his birthday, "If only I was already double digits...I would be big!" I've got news for him...he IS already big! I'll be lucky if he doesn't pass me in height within the next 3 years ... and as you know ... I'm not that short. I'm not sure what it is that causes kids this age to have such a great desire to turn "double digits" but I know my niece MS was extremely excited when she turned 10 as well. (Hi, MS!) They feel more grown-up and closer to turning that next big milestone age of 13 ...the teen years! Our close friend JD is celebrating his 13th birthday this week along with his younger brother HD who is turning 6. Happy Birthday guys! Hope its the best birthday yet!!
No matter how old your child is, their birthday is always a special moment and a BIG DEAL to them. Make the most of it as best you can and help them feel extra special on their day. One of the extra things I like to do when I can is have a little fun by celebrating what we like to call their HALF BIRTHDAY. This means exactly 6 months after your last birthday...You would receive a half of a birthday card (kindly cut in half diagonally by mom or dad so it's impossible to read all the writing!) With this strange event, we follow up with half a cupcake or a couple of 1/2 size cookies each for dessert and sing, "Happy Half Birthday to You". I'm not sure I would try this idea with teenagers...they may think you're nuts! Or...they may think you're totally cool! Either way, it gives a good laugh and the message gets across that they are important enough to us for us to be creative and do something silly to make their day a little more special on the Half Year mark. We ususally give a token gift and let them choose somewhere special they would like to go that day...a park, playland, arcade, etc.
But then... we remind them they are another year older in Christ. Its always a good thing to sit down with your child once or twice a year or more and see how well they can describe the Gospel message to you. It gives a glimpse of their understanding of spiritual concepts and how well they can communicate what they know and believe. God will bless your efforts to allow your child to expand their minds and see the bigger picture of who God is and what Jesus really did for us that day he died for us on the cross. I felt that this year with turning 10, my son really expressed his inner desire to get Baptised and we know that soon he will get that opportunity. Bible memorization and communicating his understanding of the Gospel were two keys our pastor felt he needed to be able to do when JH first asked to be baptised two years ago. We feel he is now ready and hope to share in this joyous event with you someday soon.
Double Digits has brought with it lots of growing pains for JH, changes physically (needing to wear deodorant now and growing out of 2 shoe sizes in 3 mos!) and emotionally (better social awareness and maturity), but most of all - new challenges spiritually- as JH begins to ask more and more questions into understanding God's plan for his life. We welcome this challenge with open arms because a child that is curious and asking questions is on the right track to enriching and improving their relationship with Jesus Christ.
I hope you find this year (no matter what age your child is at) to be a year filled with new insight and understanding from your child's perspective on who God is. May you all rejoice in your children and crave to fan their flame of passion for living a life for Christ. We only get to have them for a short time in our lives...tomorrow brings another year and another step closer to JH developing more into a man of God and venturing out on his own. May we all prepare our children for that wonderful day when God calls them. Live the dream of a better life in Christ. Enrich your lives in His Word and shower your children with the love of Jesus. Praise the Lord for His Goodness. May you and your families be truly blessed today!

Previous Kids Corner Pages

KIDS CORNER: Poptarts!
My poptarts are little rectangles that taste like cinnamon and bread. They are the tastiest things I could possibly have for breakfast (besides McDonald's pancakes of course!). Although I don't care for the little dry parts around the edges...they aren't very tasty so I throw the crumbs from the edges in the trash. Its the soft chewy middle I like most! Wow! These are healthier than I thought! I just read the side of the box and found out they have 2 grams of protein...Woah! If you are interested..you also get 10% vitamin A, Niacin is 10%, Vitamin B6 is 10% (go vitamins!), Thiamin is 10%, Riboflavin is (can you guess?) Yep...10%, and the last is Folic Acid (very important) ...10%! Yahoo! Go Poptarts!! My favorite breakfast food! Silly articles just for you - by JH :)

KIDS CORNER - Favorite Foods by JH & Family
Watermelon JH
Macaroni And Cheese JH
Pepperoni Pizza TH
Chicken Tetrazini TH
Lasagna -Faithflower
My Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, & Applesauce MEAL-Faithflower
Mandarin Oranges -Little Faithflower
Chicken Tetrazini - Little Faithflower

KIDS CORNER TOP TEN - Favorite Video Games by JH
Super Mario Galaxy - Wii
Pokemon Pearl - DS
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask - N64
Pikmin 2 - GC
Super Mario Sunshine - GC
Super Smash Bros. Melee - GC
Megaman White 3 - GBA
Thrillville Off the Rails - Wii
Kirby and the Magic Mirror - GBA
Pokemon Fire Red - GBA

Monday, March 3, 2008

Clean out that clutter!

What a wonderful feeling to get a specific task done in a short amount of time! I'm not sure how well you are able to keep up with clutter, but in the house of a former ebay power seller and notorious pack rat, its hard to find space for extra items that were formerly being sold and shipped out in a flurry. We just did not have the space to keep these things in our home anymore along with all the other clutter that has accumulated over the years. Our house became a war zone so quickly after stopping my business, that all the extra stuff just ended up here and there and anywhere I could fit it. Needless to say, the house was a wreck. I had to do something.
About a week ago, I had focused my attention on the incredible mountain of junk in the kitchen first, and with the goal of spending a half hour at a time attacking the room. My efforts began to make a dent and the de-cluttering of all this unnecessary stuff was well underway. Yahoo! Working hard every chance I had between normal chores, homeschooling JH, and taking care of my active toddler, I set my sights on the cabinets. I sorted and purged, emptying all the cups, bowls, glasses, and plates that had either been cracked, chipped, stained or simply in our possession for over 15 years! Way too long for dishwear that you use daily! I couldn't believe how bad everything looked when I really studied their condition. I must have tossed two trashbags full of kitchen junk. Phew! Glad to be rid of all that! Unfortunately in the process we had to part with a few dear posessions that my husband didn't want to part with...,"Not that...that's my Red Sox mug!"
With a little more effort today, I finally finished disposing of all that had once plaqued my kitchen corners, under the table and in the cabinets. To my delight, when I walk in the kitchen now, it feels like a new room! How pleasantly surprised my husband was to see the efforts I had made to get the job done so quickly. If you are in need of some major clutter removal and junk purging, just remember this...God gives grace to his people and I'm sure he is pleased with our efforts as wives and mothers if we make an honest effort to improve the cleanliness and comfort of our family's home. In any circumstance of household need ...whether cleaning, de-cluttering, or reorganizing closets, when you set your mind on something, you can really get any task done in a rather short period of time. I still have more work to do in many other areas of the house, but my home will hopefully soon be my sanctuary again, and I will be able to enjoy seeing the fruits of my labor in a clean, organized house. Here's to attacking room 2 ....JH's room! Ahaaaa!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

KIDS CORNER - English: Parts of Speech


How to play: Read the story. As you come across a word that's missing, ask a friend to answer the questions you ask them and write down the answers on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure you ask them to pick a word that meets the description of the proper parts of speech or other term (adjective, noun, verb, number, liquid, part of body). Once you have picked words and written them down for all the blanks, go back and read the story again, but this time filling in the blanks with the words they picked. (Other option is to print this page and fill in the blanks using a pencil once it's printed.) Have fun! Be prepared to laugh ALOT! Take turns with family members and friends and make sure they help you get a turn to choose the words for the blanks too. Enjoy! We welcome you to leave comments below the blog with your favorite selected words for the matching blank spaces and share them with everyone here so we can all enjoy a good laugh from your best choices. Thanks for visiting and playing our Silly Story Fun!

Today was a (adjective) day! The (noun) was out and the temperature was (number) degrees! We decided to (verb) to the (place). I patted my (pet) and headed out the door. It took awhile to get there, but the (noun) was (adjective). I brought my handheld video game player and started enjoying a quick game of (favorite video game) in the back seat. It was only shortly after we left that we suddenly realized our (liquid) was leaking! (Family member's name) stopped and asked where the nearest (place) was so we could fix it. After taking care of the minor disaster, all was well again and we were able to rest our (part of body -plural). Now it was time to get back to our (adjective) day!

Our (parent) drove the (type of vehicle) super (speed - fast or slow), but we got there just the same. We entered into what seemed like a garden and soon walked passed a (noun). (friend's name) was distracted by the (adjective) fountains and (color) flowers that they almost tripped over a (animal)! They were so thankful it was not a (poisonous reptile) like the one we had seen at the zoo! We entered the (color) building and checked to see which floor our destination was on. The only elevator was busy though, so we took the stairs to the (number) floor. By the time we almost had reached our floor level, our (part of body - plural) had already gotten tired and our (part of body) was weak. We were very (emotion) when we finally got to the right floor.

At last it was time to (activity)! Yay! Everyone got to have a turn (verb: add -ing ending) and (verb: add -ing ending)! The place looked (adjective)! My family and friends all had a (adjective) time! On the way home, my (parent) offered to treat us all to (food). It was a (adjective) ending to a (adjective) day! "Don't forget to (verb) when you get home!", my friend (friend's name) said. I promised I would and gave them a (noun) before they left. "See you again (length of time)!", I shouted. Once home, I drifted off to sleep immediately and dreamed of (noun -plural).
The end.

KIDS CORNER - Math: Fractions - GCF

MATH Worksheet - Fractions: Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

1) GCF (45 , 45) = _______________________ 2) GCF (110 , 33) = _______________

3) GCF (60 , 108) = ______________________ 4) GCF (30 , 30) = _______________

5) GCF (96 , 12) = _______________________ 6) GCF (48 , 72) = _______________

7) GCF (54 , 12) = _______________________ 8) GCF (120 , 80) = _______________

9) GCF (55 , 55) = _______________________ 10) GCF (22 , 22) = _______________

11) GCF (25 , 15) = ______________________ 12) GCF (32 , 56) = _______________

13) GCF (66 , 132) = ____________________ 14) GCF (144 , 12) = _______________

15) GCF (100 , 40) = _____________________ 16) GCF (63 , 63) = _______________

17) GCF (20 , 12) = ______________________ 18) GCF (120 , 70) = _______________

19) GCF (110 , 60) = _____________________ 20) GCF (84 , 49) = _______________

*Parents and Homeschoolers...feel free to copy this page and print it out for your student to practice at home. For more opportunities to make your own great custom Math worksheets or for timed online practice worksheets...check out this site: http://www.noetic-learning.com/

Friday, February 29, 2008

LEAP DAY 2008 & March Comes Roaring in Like a Lion

Hello Friends! They say March comes roaring in like a Lion, well tomorrow being March 1st and all I thought I'd check the weather. Surprise, surprise...windy, snowy, and cold! A very appropriate entrance for our "Lion" month. (Actually, I just wanted a really good excuse to show my nieces KS and MS this photo of the Lion at Busch Gardens I took last time we went! ) Well for today, since its a VERY SPECIAL day....February 29th (Leap Year Day as kids tend to call it), I thought we should have a PARTY!!! Hey! This is only the 2nd time this has happened in JH's lifetime so why not make it fun, right? All night I've been crafting up some grand plans for our special Leap Year Day. Why not join us in the fun? Feel free to leave a comment below by clicking on the comments link under this blog and share with everyone your ideas for a party or fun day activity for February 29th Leap Year Day or for March 1st coming in like a Lion. It'll be grrreat! Even if you're not having a Leap Year party today, all weekend long can be a fun time to celebrate Leap Year or March roaring in like a lion! Buy some of the Eggo jungle waffles at your local grocery store and eat the Lion ones for a photo op. Why not plan to go to the zoo on March 1st every year so the kids can enjoy having their picture taken near the Lion exhibit? If you are big into scrapbooking, you know this would make a really cool opportunity for a creative page layout! Get out some jungle animal toys and play zoo or safari with the kids. Watch the Lion King dvd together. Observe the wind and get out some pinwheels or weather vane to use. Just make it special in your own way...the kids will have lots of exciting memories til the next March 1st rolls around.
Pictures can be cheerful and uplift the spirits when shared in a happy light. I hope you enjoy future blogs with pictures and captions, or stories revolving around them as I continue to learn more about blogging and website creation. I am thankful for any and all input you share. Express yourself anytime. Other readers will enjoy your comments too! For now, here are some fun suggestions to make the most of today: Visit a pottery/ceramics art store and let the kids create a Leap Year 2008 mug, plate, picture frame, magnet or other memorable keepsake to treasure. Try designing t-shirts (blank t-shirts sold fairly cheap at Michael's craft store in all sizes along with fabric paint) and you can have them say, " Where were you on Leap Day 2008?" or "Leap Day Party 2008". Make them as a family or have a party with friends and make them together to remember the fun occasion. Rent a bounce house for the yard or visit one of those Bounce House Kids Playlands and call it a Leap House. My son, JH, wants to go bungee cord "Leaping" at our local mall where the kids are strapped into a harness and are hoisted up in the air over a trampoline between the 1st and 2nd floor of the mall and continue to "leap" their little hearts out while doing flips and tricks for about 5 minutes time. (cost about $6) This "leaping" event can be enjoyed in your own back yard if you have a trampoline to let the kids leap on at home. Make it into an Olympic event and have a medal for the winners that say, "Leap Day Olympic Champion" or "Leap Day Olympics - Gold, Silver, or Bronz". Construction paper medals work fine for younger kids and can just say, "Super Leaper! - Leap Day 2008". Make a special meal or take the kids out to eat somewhere fun. Have a potluck traveling meal where you write down one part of the meal on 4 different note cards and let the kids pick a card to find out which fast food restaurant they go to first and the card will tell them what part of the meal they are buying there. We tried french fries at McDonalds, Frozen Coke (for the drink) at Burger King, Taco from Taco Bell, and apple turnovers from KFC for dessert. Make up your own menu of restaurants and meal choices and have some fun. Luckily for us all our fast food places are within a few yards from each other...be careful not to make your journey too far in between courses or the "little leapers" will get hungry or thirsty waiting to drive to the next place. This is a fun date idea for teens or couples who just want to have some fun today and mix things up a bit. Remember...today only comes every 4 years so enjoy it while you can! Have fun and don't forget to share your ideas or experiences with us in the comment section today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

KIDS CORNER - All About the Nintendo Wii

Nintendo is the BEST!! Has anyone played the Wii yet? Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii comes in less than two -Wii-ks! Yeah! Mario Party 8,Wii Play, and
Super Mario Galaxy are great games for starters with the Wii. Super Mario Galaxy is a good game for beginners. Why? You may ask? Because i've played it before and beat 11 levels plus the first 5 were simple. I think you would enjoy it.
Mario Party 8 is a very good game because it teaches you how to play with the Wii remote, and it is a 4-player game. Wii Play teaches all of the basic rules of Wii including: holding the remote sideways and still being able to play correctly, using the Nunchuk, and using the sensor plus pressing a button at the same time. Try going to the Super Smash Bros. Dojo website to view screen shots of the soon to be released (March 9) Wii game called Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The Title of this blog will hyperlink you directly to the site.

Please leave comments for KIDS CORNER here.

Hi KIDS CORNER fans!! Please feel free to leave comments for JH if you liked his Poptarts article or the Top Ten Favorite Video Games list. You can leave your comments to JH right here on this post. In the future I will "post" his articles so its easier to leave comments for him that way. Thanks again for visiting our website and for reading JH's Kids Corner section! Enjoy! JH says he will try to post new fun stuff for kids everyday as part of his homeschooling projects! Yeah! Go JH!

Babies are amazing!

Goodmorning Everyone!

God has blessed us with a wonderful new day filled with cute little feet walking all over my floors with pride! What a sweetie! Little Faithflower is now walking and talking more each day. Its so much fun! Her latest words have been duck (for Donald and Daisy Duck from Disney), Noodle for spaghetti, and Mickey (for who else? Mickey Mouse of course.).
She does almost all the cute hand motions from the Wiggles shows like its nothing and loves it when JH or I join in with her at performing these silly and sometimes exhausting routines. :) She thoroughly enjoys finger plays such as Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Her smile of delight is infectious. Gotta love it!
Her climbing ability is something to pass on though...man does she give me a heart attack sometimes! :) Little Faithflower can walk fast, climb up onto ANY chair, couch or bed in the house and within seconds is either typing on my computer and trying to work the mouse (probably searching for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse online) or is climbing on top of the desk ready to stand up on it. Yikes! I have to be on my toes constantly with this one! She is truly a treasure and a blessing from the Lord though. We love her to pieces and I'm sure she will grow into a wonderful lady living for Jesus.
Her newest antics have been standing on her head and looking through her legs at you upside down and laughing (I guess she thinks its funny that we are upside down when she is doing that). She also finds it amusing to climb into her high chair by herself without warning to let me know she is hungry. Or she will just take something off the shelf in the pantry and bring it to me and then point towards the kitchen and start babbling and walking in that direction as if she wants me to follow. If she wants to watch the Wiggles...she brings you a Wiggles dvd and points towards the tv babbling all the while like she is trying to verbally tell us want she wants. If she wants to watch Mickey mouse club house then she brings her Pluto or Mickey doll and points towards the tv or computer (we watch episodes on the computer too sometimes which is just as fun for her). If she needs her diaper changed, she starts playing with the diaper pail and calling for me or brings me a diaper and hands it to me while pulling on her pants. Smart kid. Might as well let mom change her than stay dirty, right? She may not speak too well yet but she communicates her needs loud and clear. :) Aren't babies simply amazing? God is so good. I love his handiwork at every age and stage of life and development. Its going to be a fun year 2008! I hope you are looking forward to your year ahead with eagerness too! Blessings to all. Next update is on the Joy of turning double digits (10)!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pictures with Captions

Isn't the world of photography just wonderful? You really can do almost anything nowadays with a little twist of computer magic. One of the many things I enjoy doing with JH is having little photo shoots teaching him how to use my digital camera. He has quite the imagination and desires to make his friends laugh with his silly poses or shots of his toys doing crazy things. This is just one of the many "pictures with captions by JH" to come. I hope you enjoy them all. He has renewed enthusiasm for his photography practice now that we have a website to share them on. This picture is actually the real photo without any computer twists added...JH just thought it would be funny to have the t-rex attacking the last can of his father's diet soda! Scroll down to the bottom of this page to enjoy a full size version of the picture. Thanks for visiting! Faithflower and JH

Welcome and be Blessed!

Hello to all my family, friends and homeschool buddies! I'm so glad to be finally getting a spot to share my creative writing skills! This endeavor should be loads of fun for me and hopefully for you too as the readers. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions on how I can improve the look of the site or suggestions on what you'd love to have me share info about on this site. I look forward to sharing a little bit more of me with all of you. God bless!

Disney, Social Media, Freebies & Giveaways!


KIDS CORNER - World Geography Game!